The Great Gingerbread Competition

The Gingerbread House Competition -
You our Friends get to Decide...

Everyone likes competition, this is why we have sports teams and competition galore in America. Well, family competition is also healthy. We have been doing a gingerbread house competition for a number of years, and guess what - it's back!

This years we have four entries entries. Several of our children decided not to participate. I won't mention any names. Hopefully, they will take the challenge next year in 2023. We can only hope they will. (LOL). It's all about creating fun traditions and memories.

Below is the link to the page where you can cast your vote for your favorite gingerbread house. At the bottom of the gingerbread competition page you will be able to cast your vote. Remember only vote one time. Thanks for helping us out. Click on the link below:


Merry Christmas to you and your family,
The Alexander's and Mitchell families

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