youth Ministries

Turning youth into fully committed Disciples 

There is a wide variety of youth that attend on Wednesday night. We have youth who are here for the fun and many who are serious about their walk with God. Where are you? Come and discover. 

SLBC Youth Ministries has something taking place for teenagers throughout the week. Everything from music ministry, to mid-week youth group, to AWANA on Thursday night. Bible is key to our youth program as we desire to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). You will discover a place where your teens will be challenged and loved. Come and get connected. 

Sunday Morning Worship & Discipleship

8:30am &  11:00am (Worship)

Come and worship with the entire church. Everybody who names the Name of Jesus is called to Worship Him. Come and let us worship the Lord together.

9:45am (Discipleship)

Our teens are walking through Volume 6 of the
Gospel Foundations: The Kingdom on Earth: - A Year Through the Storyline of Scripture . Join us.
Grades 7th-12th

Wednesday Night Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

                                                                                                   At Youth Group there is a wide variety of activities talking place:
1. A FREE meal.
2. Games and laughter, along with creating friendships.
3. Worship with songs.
4. Bible study.
5. Discussion groups (breakdown into smaller groups for discussion).

                                                                                                                                        Now is the time to get connected!

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